$6,724.35 raised for charity
DATE: Saturday, May 9, 2015 LOCATION: We were at the Mall - hope you were too!
May 9, 2015 - it just keeps getting better! 75 women were lined up 10 minutes into the sale and we loved having each and every one of them, and the many who arrived later, shop for the deals of the day. There were smiles and laughter as women exited with big, pink bags full of treasures. As always, we could not have it done it without the many, many people who get involved out of the kindness of their hearts.
The Drop Box locations: Sears at the Mall at Piccadilly, RBC on Alexander Street, and Brooke Downs Vennard llp
The Promotions team: A Flower Shop, Barley Station, Blue Canoe, BDO llp, L'Originals Gallery, Shuswap Bliss, Shuswap Clothing & Shoe Company, Tangles Hair Salon, and The Urban Think Tank and the amazing team at EZ-Rock.
The Donor Prize Sponsors: A Flower Shop, Colleen Cody-Rupp (Bead Artist), Penny Colton (Prize winning photographer), Cathy Ingebrigtson (Princess House), J. C. Bradley Jewellers, Nico's Nurseryland, Northern Plastics, Salmar Theatre, and Shuswap Bliss.
Location Donation: The Mall at Piccadilly - Lynda Stepura is awesome.
The Hardworking Team that puts it all together: Dawn Alstad, Deanna Connelly, Maureen Farnham, Toni Klein, Lynda Mason, Vanessa Starkell, and Coralie Tolley.
Sale Day Volunteers: Jennifer Findlay, Brenda Hunter, Erica Nakazawa, Saralea Spence, Gail Tyssen, Pat Veitch.
To any business or individual I have missed, sorry, it is my aging memory. Thank you sincerely to ALL of you.
Ooh la la Purse Raffle:
SUCCESS - we loved that you loved the Purse Raffle. We raised just over $1,000 towards the total proceeds for the Sale. Tickets were $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 and you bought lots! We would love your feedback. We have the last two times allowed each ticket buyer to choose which purse they were buying tickets for. We thought this was the right way to get the best odds of winning the purse you really wanted.
WINNERS: pictures will be posted as the ladies pick up their prize purses.
Purse #1 - Kate Spade - C. Ladell
Purse #2 - Pink Coach - L. Shumka
Purse #3 - Black Coach - L. Whitney
Purse #4 - Mink Coach - C. Young
Purse #5 - Blue Fossil - A. Keifer
What about 2016????
if you have a Coach bag, a Prada purse, a Marc by Marc Jacobs handbag, or some other great name that you would like to donate, please let us know. You can be anonymous or we can tell everyone how wonderful you are, your choice.
2015 Purse Raffle Winners

A few of the 2015 Delighted Donor Prize Winners